So, I was supposed to update this a long time ago and just never had time; hence, the motto: Breathe. I always try to have a New Year's resolution but never follow through with it. So this year I came across the idea of a word for the year on several blogs. The idea is similar to a resolution, just not as binding. Basically, you determine a word that you hope will sum up what you want out of the upcoming year. It can be as specific or general as you like. I had several choices, but decided on "Breathe" after a particular day at work. Anyway, I chose this word because I realize that I try to do too much, that my priorities are not what they should be, and that my mind is just too crazy. I hope that "Breathe" will help remind me of what is important both in my personal and professional life; therefore, I will have a great 2010.
I hope to BREATHE everytime I am teaching 4, 5, and 6 year olds. I must realize that although the curriculum that I teach is quite advanced for their age, that they are just 4, 5, and 6 years old and act that age (or younger). They don't have to master all that the curriculum and/or their parents expect them to master before going to the next grade.
I hope to BREATHE when my 2 (almost 3) year old tries my patience on an ongoing basis. Again, she is really still a baby. Even though she thinks she can do it all herself, I must let her try even know I will have to clean up the mess and/or do it in the end.
I hope to BREATHE and not worry about being the best teacher possible. It's ok if they kids don't have crafts to do every single day/week. It's ok if they don't get to all their worksheets. It's ok if they don't get a concept. They don't have to have extracurricular lessons every single day. They will survive!
I hope to BREATHE and stand up for myself when I am sick or Clare is sick. It's ok to miss a day of work. It's ok to be 5 minutes late. I hate to do it. I hate for my classroom to miss me as their teacher. But my family, my child's health, and my personal health is ultimately the most important thing.
I hope to BREATHE and do what I want to do when I want to do it. I love to scrapbook and I have so many unfinished projects. Why....not sure. I have all the materials. It's because I am so wrapped up in my work, laundry, grocery shopping, etc. that I don't take the time for my most favorite hobby.
I hope to BREATHE and take time to play with Clare and my pets on a daily basis. I feel they miss out on me so much because of my work. It's all about my classroom---my family (including the furry variety) needs me.
I hope to BREATHE and focus on Chris. We never have time alone together. Either he is traveling to Chicago or we or both dead tired from our jobs. When we are alone, we eat, watch tv, then go to bed. Both exhausted from the day.
So, the trend is simple. Work cannot be the priority. My family, my daughter, my husband, my pets, my hobby.....that's the priority. Work can be the backburner now. I am tired of my head spinning from the moment I get up to the moment I go to bed. And even then, I usually dream about it. How am I doing thus far? Well, since I am just now posting what "Breathe" means to me-well, I guess I am doing fair. Better, yes. As good as I hoped, no. But it's just January techically.....
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