Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Clare's Bling

So, at Clare's Easter party at Premier Academy, she recieved clip on earrings as a party favor. She loves to put them on and shake her head as the earrings bounce off her face. She's not into wearing them for long periods of time and really enjoys ripping them off much to my dismay.


  1. Clare is getting so big! Love the picture below of her holding the cute!

  2. Pretty cute earrings! What is it about jewelry that attracts little girls at such a young age?! I think the name of the etsy shop where I got that clip of Gabbi's is detailshop. So, go to Hit the bar on the top left that says search by... and search by username or something like that, on the drop down bar. If that doesn't work, search by description and hit monogrammed felt barrettes. It comes up pretty close to the top when it comes up. They are AWESOME! I also have the girls' names and "believe". Melanie
